भारतीय पाक कला संस्थान

(पर्यटन मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्वायत्त निकाय)

Indian Culinary Institute (ICI)

(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India)

तिरुपति एवं नोएडा              Tirupati & NOIDA

AISHE Code :  S - 21334

The Best Culinary Institute / College in India established by Govt of India; Provides Training for Future Chefs and Culinary Professionals! 

Eligible students can apply for scholarships on the National Scholarship Portal. Fees reimbursement also available for eligible AP students  from Govt of AP.

అర్హతగల విద్యార్థులు నేషనల్ స్కాలర్‌షిప్ పోర్టల్‌లో స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ల కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు. అర్హత కలిగిన AP విద్యార్థులకు AP ప్రభుత్వం నుండి ఫీజు రీయింబర్స్‌మెంట్ కూడా అందుబాటులో ఉంది.

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Indian Culinary Institute(ICI), an autonomous body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India; commissioned at Tirupati and its chapter at NOIDA which are the state-of-art Institutes and is expected to be at par with the best International Culinary institutes. This is registered society under Societies Registration Act (1860), set up by the Government of India, Ministry of Tourism in the year 2014. The Institute is set up for further promotion and development of culinary tourism in India as the ICI will attract the best of the talents in the specialized field with a world class infrastructure such as culinary studio with facility to have smart class rooms, specialised kitchens and microbiology laboratories with modern and latest equipment, training restaurants for various cuisines, modern hostel facility for both boys and girls.  Culinary Art is a highly specialized field of education in the hospitality industry today. The Tirupati campus was inaugurated in September 2018 by then Honourable Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Garu. The NOIDA campus was inaugurated in April 2018 by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Tourism. The ICIs (Tirupati & NOIDA) will be centres of excellence which will offer structured regular programmes of study, specific to Culinary Arts and Culinary Management leading to graduate and post graduate degrees, promote research and innovation, organize demand driven certificate and diploma courses, document and create database specific to Indian cuisine and commission studies and survey on cuisine.

Students of MBA (Culinary Arts) narrates the story of Rasgulla 

Students of MBA (Culinary Arts) 2022-24 batch explores vibrant culture of Gujarat through educational trip. 

Latest @ Ministry of Tourism

Our Training and Placements Partners  

Information on Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR) courses at ICI